We try our best to have the entire return process sorted out for you as quickly as possible. In all, from the time you first raise a return request to the time you receive a replacement, it usually takes 7-12 days. Here's a quick breakdown of the process and how much time each step takes:
- Raising the return request: Once you've raised a return request, you should hear back from us by the next working day. We may have a few questions and clarifications that we need before we go ahead and approve your return request.
- After approval: Once your return request has been approved, we will arrange a pickup for your product, and you will receive a tracking ID in the approval email.
- Pick-up: If you live in a metro city, you can expect the pickup to happen within 2 working days. Outside a metro city, you can expect the pickup to happen within 3-4 working days, usually the same amount of time it took for the product to be delivered to you.
- Inspection: Once the product has reached us, we will need 2 complete working days to inspect the product, and we will update you with the outcome of the inspection thereafter.
- After inspection: Based on the inspection status and the return type your return request was approved for, you will receive an email closing your return case, with us either issuing store credit, replacement, or a refund.
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